Tagliamento river is named “the king of the rivers of the Alps”, because it’s one of the last rivers of Europe flowing within a natural bed, wide 3000 square kilometers, with entangled water channels now rare to be seen in nature, still intact and not altered by human intervention, playing a fundamental role for wildlife ecosystem.
I’ve spent more than ten years visiting periodically its stream, exploring itineraries, collecting travel stories, wandering inside its magic.
In this page it is displayed a selection of my photo collection: shots taken with feet submerged in the river water during warm Summer, or walking among the ice crystals formed on riverbed stones during cold Winter, befriending the pioneer plant that colonizes natural deserts, documenting watermarks of emerging springs which imprint the sand with flower-like geometries.
Aim of this photo gallery is to raise awareness on the need to preserve the wilderness of this unique river and its territory. Tagliamento is periodically threatened by quests for alteration, such as the recent project planning two river crossing by highway route in the zone Cimpello-Gemona. This risks of compromising Tagliamento ecosystem prompted a petition on change.org, asking that Tagliamento territory be classified Unesco heritage as a protection statute, together with initiatives such as Legambiente proposals for ecological improvements and Tagliamento Bene Comune group updates.
Join me in this wonderful exploration: it’s all reported in my diary book available at this link.
I will share all my secret routes.
Let’s transform passion into call for action.