Collaboration started with local quilt shop


Improvisation stories will be the subject of virtual chat on improv, starting from April 25th 2020, arranged by local quilt shop Patchworkvictim; for further information: ask to shop owner Francesca and you will be inserted in the newsletter providing session link; event will be in Italian langauge.

The quilt described in the virtual chat are on display at local quilt shop , and work in progress is visible on the Instagram profile The cult of quilt. Video sessions are interactive and include sewing demo, composition stories and improvisation tricks.

Participation to course “Wedge curve improv”

joining events

Quilting community gathering around the two-day livestream interactive workshop with Sherri Lynn Wood, “Wedge Curve Improv“, seems to have been an event. Thanks to Arapahoe County Quilters, who opened virtual enrollment to this course (initially planned for their guild in Colorado), I had the opportunity to join, together with quilting friends in Italy, and others from many countries, including Australia, where the course started at 2.00 a.m.!